Monday 23 September 2013

The Colour Run

Seems like every year I hear about lots of  new and really fun ways to support local and national charities. The idea behind the Colour Run is a 5 kilometre dash through several gates where volunteers throw powder paint all over you. The aim of the day is to raise money for 'Stand Up to Cancer' & 'Cancer Research UK'.

There's maybe not so much running but there is a lot of joking around and even rolling around on the floor in the paint (if you want to go for a more colourful finish). I accidentally ate some Pink - but I'm fine! After the race the organisers put on a DJ set, so the big crowd of people could have a dance and throw paint up in the air or even at each other.

I hope you enjoy the photos most are from my pal Celine (Great!) There was a group of about 9 of us; we had such an awesome time and Hannah organised for us to go to the pub after for a 'Bangers & Mash' lunch!

Locations for 2013 were Brighton, Belfast, Manchester and London with 2014 still to be announced -