8 Mile music starts…..
He’s Drunk and Sweaty, chatting up some Ugly-Betty,
There’s vomit on his sweater already, ‘Uncle Ben’s’
(microwave) spaghetti
Mates come over, drag him to Weatherspoons for a cheapy round.
Doubles up his Jack for an extra £1
Wants Onion rings, barmaid says they aint servin now
Goes quiet, he drops a C bomb so proud.
Laughing, all his mates are choking now
why’s he call the barmaid a B word so loud?
she’s gonna get them all thrown out
Time up - she calls the Bouncers over, now all their fun's over BLAUW!
Thrown out in the street again…
Whoops there goes Gravity !!!
He wont stop rabbiting
Tries to kick off, but the bouncers put him down easy.
He aint broke, he can stand
but he can’t walk that easy....
Hen Do in 'Revs', the men gettin sleazy
Goes to 'WooWoos' and loves that its cheesy !
Gets a Chilli-flavour-Shot as a free-bee
‘They forgot to ID me’ : )
And the drinks go on and on and on
He’s mates only drink harder, they make him drink harder
He’s rubbin up against a drunk girl in ‘Oceana’
Tries to pick her up but they both fall over.
She tries to hobble off, he still wants her mobile number
She says No and then she calls her own father
But the beat goes on da da dum da dum da da
Kebab and Chips, get the squits
Start a fight - take some hits! Puking on his ‘K Swiss’
Try to miss your trainers if you bout to blow !
This opportunity comes once in a life time - YO!
Loose yourself, stumble home
Loose your mates, ‘ Where’s my Phone?’
Where has all your money gone?
Should have kept some Bus fare in your Socks
This opportunity comes once in a life time…..
If you have just one chance, one opportunity to go drinking
in West Street……
Don’t !